This clothbound Double Gloucester is a lovely gentle to medium cheese with a really nice flavour and a gentle tang. Made by the inglewhite Dairy, using milk from their herd of pedigree Holstein Freisians. Aged for a minimum of 3 months, and with the addition of anatto, Double Gloucester is slightly crumbly but with a nice buttery creaminess when you eat it, this is a great cheese if you want a more gentle option on your board that still gives you a good flavour.
Why Double or Single Gloucester I hear you ask, well no one's entirely sure. Throughout history there has been many reasons sighted, including, less cream on the double, so it was skimmed twice, cream from the morning milk added to the evening, different times of year between the single and double, the single being made from the less creamy morning milk. One thing seems true is that the single was kept at the farm and the Double was made for sale, so has a better longevity. These days the Double Gloucester is made in a way a bit more similar to cheddar so it's a nice robust cheese, cloth bound and matured for a relatively short 3 months it's a nice firm but buttery cheese.