The rind is inedible and unmistakable with its traditional herringbone basket weave pattern pressed on it. A typical ear wheat pattern is pressed onto the top and bottom wheels of the cheese. There are specific differences in Manchego cheeses, depending on their aging period:
Semi Curado - Young Manchego cheese is aged around 3 months. The flavor is fruity and grassy with a tangy note and it's still quite a moist cheese.
Curado - Manchego cheese aged for 6 months. The more mature cheese acquires a caramel and nutty flavor with a slight acidity.
Viejo - Manchego cheese aged for a year becomes drier and crumbly in texture while the interior of the cheese acquires a butterscotch color. It has a sweet, lingering taste. This is the cheese usually stocked in our shops, although we can get younger if it is required.
Baby Manchegos are availalable and measure 12.5cm x 10 cm
ALLERGENS:EGG (The rind on the baby manchego's are washed in an egg white solution - the standard one we stock does not have this but occasionally suppliers will send us a different make if ours isn't available - we do not recommend this cheese for egg allergy sufferers)