This strong cheese selection could encompass any of the very strong cheeses we have in the shop, whether it's some stinky Picos Blue, a nibble of farmyard Montgomery or Hafod, some wonderful Lincolnshire Poacher Vintage, amazing crystal filled Old Winchester, a bit of super smoked Whittington oak of some tasty Brie de Meaux . We have masses of strong cheese treats to choose from. Generally containing a cheddar, a blue and a brie, then something else in the mix depending on what is at it's peak of strength at the time.
If you want all hard cheese, or no brie or blue etc, or something particular in the mix, just add a selection preference and we'll make sure you get what you want, (but please do note that some cheeses are more costly than others so if you ask for a specific cheese that is particularly expensive, you will get less overall than in the guide below but you always get what you have paid for in monetary value in the shop at the time of cutting).
�30 selection 5 pieces of cheese about 160g each
�40 selection 6 pieces of cheese about 200g each
�50 selection 7 pieces of cheese about 220g each
�60 selection 8 pieces of cheese about 250g each
As there is no cost for postage and packing if you order for collection in the shop you'll get about 20% more cheese but the collection discount will not apply as it will be cut at shop price to the value paid.